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Keeping You and Your Family Safe Since 1999


With our innovative approach Pyramid Exterminators will treat your home or business with products that are safe yet effective against pests.


  • IPM is a great way to use the least amount of chemical with glue traps, monitoring stations, and monthly or quarterly visits by the technicians.

  • Custom treatments can be prescribed by our technicians based on your specific need.​

  • Products are safe, environmentally friendly, and natural. They are odorless and non-toxic.

  • Proven and Innovative Products that are designed to last.

  • Technicians are registered by the state and certified.

  • Our pest control program is 100% guaranteed! If the pests come back, so do we at no additional charge.

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Pest identification is an important component of our 7-step pest solution. Identifying the type of pest invading your property allows Pyramid Exterminators' technicians to determine the right treatment plan for You. Our technicians are trained to treat almost any pest, rodent, or termite problem. Review the most common pest we treat.

Pest Control & Identification: Service

American Cockroach

The Big One

American cockroach, also known as a water bug, is the largest roach species up to 2 inches long. They are reddish brown in color, but lighter on the edges of the body. Adult American cockroaches can fly in temperatures above 85 degrees F.

American cockroaches prefer damp areas or areas close to water such as sewers, broiler rooms, basements, steam tunnels, especially where food is prepared or processed.

German Cockroach

The Smaller, Tanned, Striped, Rapid Multiplier

Adult German cockroaches are 1/2 inch long, bronze colored with two stripes on the back just behind the head. These insects are mostly commonly found in the kitchen under stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers, and in wall and cabinet voids. German cockroaches avoid light and hide in dark spaces. Their hiding spaces are up to 10 feet from their food source.

German Cockroaches can transfer disease pathogens, such as bacteria that can cause "food poisoning" by contaminating food, food surfaces, and dishes and eating utensils.

Bed Bugs

The Itchy One

Bed bugs are flat, oval, and wingless insects that grow up to 1/4 inch long. Newly hatched bed bugs, called nymphs are 1/16 of an inch long translucent and cylindrical in shape. Before feedings adults are translucent and resemble an apple seed. After feeding on blood bed bugs bodies are elongated and bright red in color.

Bed bug infestations are often found in mattresses, box springs, and bed frames. More severe infestations can be found within any crevices such as floor voids, edges of carpeting, and loosened wallpaper.

Subterranean Termite

The Most Destructive Termite Species

Termites are light yellow to black with clear to smoky grey wings, about 1cm to a few millimeters in length.  There are three types of termite adults in a colony; 1) reproductives; 2) workers; and 3) soldiers. Termite workers are white and soft bodied. They eat cellulose in its various forms as plant fiber. Termites are the invisible enemy because they hide in soil, behind walls, in voids and are mostly commonly found when swarming. Swarming is when the reproductives fly out to mate which happens during the springtime.

Carpenter Ant

The Wood Chewers

Carpenter ants are wingless, up to 1/2 inch in size and vary in color depending on their colony; however most are black. They are most active in the spring (March-April) and remain so in early fall (September-October).

Carpenter ants main colony are located outdoors often in woodpiles, logs, stumps, or trees. Their nest can be up to 100 yards away. They are attracted to sweets and meats, and leave a chemical trail in search for food.

Drain Fly

The Unsanitary Invaders

Drain flies, or sewer flies are 1/8 inch long, broad with hairy wings. Drain fly adults are often found in sink and toilet drains and rest on bathroom and kitchen walls.

Fruit Fly

The Food Destroyer

Fruit flies or vinegar flies are attracted to sweet or fermented liquids such as liquor, syrup, soda pop and vinegar, in addition to ripening/rotting fruit. Females lay eggs in and around these materials upon which their tiny larvae feed. The gnat-sized adults typically have tan-colored bodies and red eyes.

House Flies

The Bacteria Spreaders

House flies are a dull grey fly, 1/4 inch long with four dark stripes on the middle section of its body. House flies typically lay eggs on animal feces and garbage. Adult house flies can fly one or two miles in search of suitable egg-laying sites. They spread bacteria and other disease-causing organisms, and contaminate food and surfaces by defecating on them.

Indian Meal Moth

The Pantry Pest

Adult Indian meal moth’s body is yellowish-gray with copper, bronze, or gray forewings, and a dark thick band at the intersection of the two. These moths are also known as pantry or stored product pest.

Indian meal moths prefer dark spaces and feed on cereal, bread, pasta, flour, and other dry foodstuffs.


The Nocturnal Crawlers

Silverfish are small, wingless insects with a grayish hue and metallic shine. Their abdomens taper at the end, giving them a fish-like appearance. These nocturnal insects have a tendency to eat starchy foods like sugar; as well as glue, paper, coffee, hair, carpet, clothing, and dandruff.

Silverfish can be found in the attic, bathrooms, near pipes, under mulch and pine straw, and near water areas.

Honey Bees

The Honey Makers

Honey bees, not to be confused by bumble bees or yellow jackets which are yellow and black striped, are half-inch long, hairy, honey brown insects. They live in very large colonies of up to 50,000 bees.

They are called honey bees because they take pollen from plants for protein to make honey for the beehive. Beehives can be found in the cavities of trees, rock formations and buildings.

Yellow Jackets

The Aggressive Stingers

Yellow jackets are shiny yellow and black wasps, not bees that are very aggressive. Their colony can have up to 3,000 wasps. Adults eat nectar and sweets, and feed on the larvae of captured insects. Their activity increases in the late summer months as insect food supply declines. They aggressively search for food in trash containers and available food sources like outdoor picnics for example.

Yellow jackets can sting repeatedly unlike honey bees that lose their stingers. Hives can be found in the ground but on occasion nested in trees or the side of buildings.

Black Widow Spider

Professional Service

Black widow spiders, or cobweb spiders, are black to brown in color and vary in patterns and markings. They create irregular shaped webs that can be found in moist crawlspaces, basements, and garages. Black widow spider’s bites can be dangerous.


All spiders range in size, shape and color. They are nature's own pest control exterminator as they feed on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, roaches, and earwigs to name a few. Spiders are more of a nuisance than anything and since arachnophobia, the fear of spiders is one of Americans greatest phobias, our team has a plan for You!


The Garden Crawlers

Millipedes are generally black or brown in color with cylindrical or flattened bodies. They have 30 pairs of large short legs. Millipedes, like Centipedes are slow-moving plant-feeding creatures that curl up and release foul-smelling secretions when disturbed. They like damp places under rocks, logs, leaves and mulch. They feed on vegetation, and soil and dirt.


The Loud Ones

There are multiple types of crickets; but the most common found indoors in the House Cricket. House crickets are tan and up to 1-inch long and are usually found in the warmest part of your property. They consume human and pet food and are attracted to fermenting liquids such as vinegar, beer, etc. Crickets occasionally do incidental damage to fabrics and are attracted to lights at night.

House Mouse

The Sneaky Ones

House mice are brown or gray rodents with large ears and small eyes that weigh a 1/2 ounce and can be up to 7 1/2 inches long. They feed on cereal and grains; but also consume a variety of foods. House mice also have a keen sense of taste, smell, touch, and hearing. They are great climbers and can jump 13 inches from the floor to a flat surface.

Mice can be occasionally seen during the day and can squeeze in a crack 1/4 inch small. They can commonly be found behind appliances, under crawl spaces, attics, or near food sources.


The Wire Chewers

Squirrels can range in color from brown, grey, or tan.  They are small to medium size rodents and range in size of 4-20 inches in length. They have slim bodies, long bushy tails, and large eyes. Squirrels feed on foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fats such as seeds and nuts. They nest in tree cavity dens, leaf nests, and occasionally in your property.

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